Friday, August 14, 2009

Of Clean Windows and Flowers...

I used to be so up-to-date with keeping my windows clean. I sort of enjoy washing windows. For over a year ago since we moved to this old White House, (and that is the name of our house in case i hadn't mentioned it before) on my to-do list was washing windows. Who knows how long these windows had been dirty. Some still are. I guess back when they built these windows they must have thought what great windows! WELLLLL. They sure are hard to open and close, that's about all I know. Huge, heavy panes. Too heavy for a pregnant lady to clean by herself, which justifies why I didn't wash them until-now. I know my baby is almost 1, you don't need to rub that in!

So I was thinking, why is it so hard to get to cleaning windows now? It used to be such a breeze.

Here I started with one window. I got some help with it, and everyone who is in the same shoes knows what that means. It didn't take long for my helpers to tire of it and out of the open window they jumped, off to find something more exciting.

While washing and stewing about how much work it was and mourning the fact that I can't seem to keep my house in top shape anymore, I was distracted by my two oldest children right outside the window I was washing. Surprise! They were holding hands and some flowers.

I took the moment to 'smell the roses'. All of a sudden I understood why I couldn't get my windows clean like I used to! Back when I got all my work done so fast, I didn't have these interruptions. My eyes blurred when in a flash the children were gone again, finding something else exciting to do. Yes, I prefer these times to when I didn't have these precious blessings to interrupt me in my busyness and remind me to smell the roses. O and if you ever feel like you are the only woman who can't keep her windows clean, I hope I have convinced you that that is simply not true.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No seriously, are those actual, real flowers Joseph and Jessica are holding?!

  3. Yes, those are actual flowers! They grow around our house...
