Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jaguar Preserve Camp

 We went camping  last weekend after we left the beach.

 The trail to the river. We went tubing, and had a blast, but unfortunately we don't have a waterproof camera so we couldn't take it with us into the water We had to drag our own tubes to where we got in the river, and then tubed about 20 minutes. Timothy and I walked back after that, but the others swam a little more. That is when I found some jaguar tracks.

 I think these are called cow foot leaves. They make a wonderful tea, and it tastes just like sassafras tea. We made some at camp.

Too bad we never got to see one of them, but we saw footprints so we knew they were close by, and just knowing that went a long way. I am pretty sure in the evening at dusk we heard a huge cat, and I dared Daniel to go and find it; he went, but it was not on the path and the jungle is mostly impenetrable so he couldn't find it. It sounded just like a cat meowing, only much louder and deeper. It could have been another member of the cat family, as the reserve has 5 species of wild cats.

 The next day when Daniel took the oldest two hiking, I took Timothy and went back to the tracks to take a photo of them. Its not very clear, but the best I could do.

 Isn't it wonderful when you go camping, and your children take over putting up the tent? I love it!

I dared this little 'mancub' to climb up here, and he did. Then he wanted to jump down, and I had to explain that you don't do everything they do in movies!

 Studying the map to see what hike to take the next day...

Warming up by the fire in the morning.

 Our camp in the morning mist. Daniel and Joseph shared one tent, and we others in the other one. We don't all fit in one anymore. It was so peaceful here, no one else camped except us and the wild things.

 Cooking is always the best part, isn't it... Here we have potatoes, chicken, and beans with onions and culantro. Culantro grew wild all over the place, so I added it to our food. (Culantro tastes like cilantro, only better!)

 This is taken by Daniel, on their several hour hike. Next time I camp here, I'm taking this hike! They told me how beautiful the waterfalls, the mountains and everything was.

 Taken by Jessica. Victoria Peak is in the background, the second tallest mountain in Belize, and hiked by only expert climbers.

Oooohhhh. Who wants to join me in going here?!!

 Crossing the creek at the plane wreck.

 Three people who were studying the jaguars crashed this plane here long ago. (Nobody died.)

The park has lots of birds that I have never seen elsewhere. We saw curassows a few times. We saw no animals except one deer, but we heard more than that. This truly is a wild place, but absolutely enjoyable.

Now, who wants to come visit us? I am looking for another chance to go back here...

1 comment:

Rosella said...

It does look peaceful and beautiful. The plane blends well with the surroundings.. =)

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