Sunday, May 8, 2011


 What's a mother to do when it is over 100F, like, say 105, and the children want something fun to do to keep themselves cool, but she doesn't want to spend too much money? 
How about building a sprinkler...I remembered the good one we used to have years ago, and was thinking how nice one would be... Once the idea crossed my mind, it took only a matter of minutes to make one out of a soda bottle. Actually I made two, because the first one was an experiment that turned out to be a failure...

Take a small plastic soda bottle.
Take a small nail, (and make sure it is small because I found out big holes don't work) and heat it up, preferably holding it with a locking pliers, and melt holes into the bottles only on one side, making sure the some are pointed sideways.
I had a broken hose (one with the end cut off) and I don't know if this is something everyone has, but if you do, here's what to do... Take a big rubber band or two, and wrap it around the end of hose. Fit it into the bottle neck. Turn on the sprinkler, and fire away! Let the fun begin...

6 comments: said...

Very creative idea. I'm thinkin' of bringing you a sprinkeler when we come. But, this looks like great fun!

Pioneer Mom said...

Aw SJ, that would be nice, but you don't have to unless you really want to. This worked pretty well. I mentioned your coming to the other homeschooling moms and they were all excited when I told them about you.

Danelle K. said...

Indeed creative! ;) said...

So glad that there are home school families there.
What things are hard to get there besides cho. chips and sprinklers? :-)

Pioneer Mom said...

:) I wouldn't say sprinklers are hard to get, I just needed something on the spot and save money at the same time. But let's see what's hard to get...borax used to be impossible, and buttermilk, but I have solved those two problems...Good used books are hard to come grains and flour prices are often through the can get most things here, but just be prepared to pay more. chocolate chips are almost reasonably priced... And you can make orders from the US and have things shipped here; only the shipping will be more because it is international.

missionarymomma said...


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