Jessica has been asking for a tea party for a long time. I finally ran out of excuses not to have it, so that's what we did a few weeks ago. It's a great thing to do in the dead and dread of winter. At least winter has an end in sight, eventually.
The gift I bought Jessica a while ago at Cracker Barrel. Best restaurant and great country store. They actually sell toys that people (like me) can be proud to have in the house. Good thing was, I paid only $10 for it. Real silver coated. We used this as our centerpiece. We didn't actually use it for tea, but it can be used for tea for two.
A tea aparty would hardly be complete without a teapot, and about one week before the party I still didn't have one! Lucky for me I found this one when I checked Goodwill to see if they had a good teapot for me. I served up some oolong tea, something I drink a lot of lately...
A sugar and cream set, which I picked up at a garage sale many years back. The good thing about a tea party is that I get to use all those special dishes that are not for everyday use.
Some sandwiches...
I had made some rhubarb matrimonial cake.
Maria's crackers, of course! You can get them from Mexican stores.
Some homemade mints.
A teacup I found recently at a thrift store.
A teacup and saucer I paid lots of money for, but I wanted it so bad, I didn't care. The wild rose is Iowa's state flower and they grow in our ditches in summer. I just had to have it. Tea tastes super in it.
And here is an impatient princess that couldn't wait for her friends to arrive!
The guests. Not even half of all the girlies we had invited were able to come, but we had a grand time anyway. It was so worth it.

Oh my girls love tea parties too...I did an outdoor one last summer. They all wore fancy white dresses and of course you have to have a table cloth and fancy tea sets. I get all of mine at thrift stores!
Those homemade mints interest me much ....
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