I decided to take a step back and write a little about our trip down to Belize. We drove one car with trailer down to Oklahoma, where we stayed two nights, then Daniel took us to Dallas to the airport where the children and myself boarded a plane to Belize, and he went on down to AL to ship the car, and then back to Iowa to drive the truck down to AL to have it shipped, and then he took a plane down as well. There. I've said it. I hope you understand it. Here are some photos of it. Sometime soon, I want to write all about the little House on the Prairie that we visited in KS, for all those who are as crazy about the "Little House" stories as I am...

Thank goodness for these times.

Getting those legs stretched.

Cooking breakfast along the way. As busy as I was packing at the end of our time in Iowa, I really wanted to be able to do some cooking on our trip. It was well worth the effort to pack food for that. Homemade food tastes especially good on a trip. I had a nice table to cook on, too!

I saw this tree in Kansas. I thought it was just too beautiful! Flowers growing right out of the trunk.

Cracker Barrel, our almost most favorite restaurant and store.

I don't know about this. I honestly don't know which is the better country to live in, Belize or America. But right now I know I sure feel like I would rather be anywhere but here! It's the humidity that is so hard to get used to.

We stopped at a friend's house in Oklahoma, and man, did the children have fun riding this thing.
They have already asked if we are going back there someday. I hope to, someday. I thought east Oklahoma was very beautiful when we drove through it, and yes, I would love to see our friends more often. :)