Last week was the long awaited bible camp for the children. It was every bit as enjoyable as last time. My brother who rents a house close to the meeting hall is away at this time, so the children and myself stayed there during the whole time of the camp. We were so happy to be able to do it. Besides saving lots on gasoline, we were right there and just had to walk a few minutes to get there on time. There was one drawback though. I have killed four scorpions last week, two of them being on the yard, and one in our bedroom on a pillow I lifted from the floor. Not that I enjoy the job, but you just cannot let those creepy things get away with their life. I didn't sleep too well after that bedroom incident but then my sister reminded me we all have angels watching over us. They did a good job, cause none of us got stung. (But you can be sure I checked under all pillows and blankets thoroughly before bedtime from then on.)
Three smiley faces I had in one of the classes I served. (Joseph's class.) The day began with singing songs about Samuel, then they went out in different groups to separate rooms for their lessons, and after that they had a snack and came together for bible sword drill. All the children were put in four groups called Nazarites, Priests, Prophets and Judges. They were asked to stand in front in groups of 4 at a time and asked questions about the lesson. Whoever answered first, their group got points. The older ones were sometimes given a testament to see who could look up a verse the quickest. If they could say it by memory, they got big points for it. After the drill they would again separate and go to their rooms for crafts. That was it for the day. They went home for lunch, and in the evening it was the parents responsibility to review the lesson and to help them learn their verses and a bonus paragraph. It always amazes me the energy these little ones have to learn about God's word.
"And that from a babe you have known the holy scriptures which are able to make you wise unto salvation..." 2 Timothy 3:15
"And that from a babe you have known the holy scriptures which are able to make you wise unto salvation..." 2 Timothy 3:15
One day I took the children to this neat little hut for supper. We ordered puposas and burritos. I like these simple affordable places to eat.
The last day after lunch was time for outdoor games. Here they made groups and one child from each group was hidden. The group was to find the child and carry her back to the starting point without letting go. Since one of the themes of the camp was cooperation, this was a very fitting game to play.
They got lovely forest colored shirts with these words on the back.

The gifts on the last day were special as always. Even the little ones got something, and the joy shows on this little guy's face.
One morning I even went to the market. It was a rainy day... It was somewhat a rather new experience for me. You see, if you want good clothes in Belize, you might go to the market and buy gently used brand name clothes for a very good price. Belizeans open their tents in the morning before the sun is up and it is still dark, so if you want good stuff, you get up early on market day. I went at 5:30 in the morning while a friend stayed at the house with the children. You shop under a tent out of the rain, with the light bulbs overhead to lighten the 'store'. I cannot imagine putting all those tents up twice a week, hanging up all those clothes every time, setting up the tables, lights and all. Shopping is definitely very different here than in the US, buy hey, I thought it was even a little bit fun. Especially because I found pretty much everything I had on my list to buy, and the price and quality can't be beat! I hear people say that you find better options here than if you go shopping in the US, and even if I might not like it, I would have to agree.
I have taken some videos at the camp but I don't always have success with uploading them. I want to share at least this one precious little song they learned to sing in round song in four groups. It sings to the melody
Row row row your boat.
Samuel served the Lord
Anyway he could;
Eli's sons the lazy ones
they weren't any good.
I'm not such a one
I will serve my God
Clean the glass and cut the grass
With a happy nod.
Whew! A busy week, and scorpians!!! I saw one here too.
The market seemed small. Is that Spanish Lookout? Are there Mennonite markets too? Also, if you don't mind me asking, I am just wondering how long you have been in Belize since you moved back?
Your children are adorable. I love the happy smile on your litlest one with his toy. I like your daughters skirt. Oh yes, and the little hut for supper looked nice even though I do not what a puposa is. May I ask what the name of that place is?
Ok, let's see if I can answer all that...:) No this is NOT Spanish Lookout. We don't have such markets here... In fact, there is not much in the way of Mennonite markets around here at all. You buy their products in different stores and places.
We came to Belize last year in spring, so we've been here a little over a year. For now we don't need to move again very soon, which we are thankful for. We really do like this place.
I thought of mentioning that I made that skirt especially for the camp to match with her shirt.
I do not even know if this little hut has a name...forgot.
I realized I should have explained the camp in more detail, so if you go back you will be able to read what I just added...
A big thank you for answering my questions. I was guessing you made your daughters skirt. It's pretty and looks roomy which is nice.
I am rejoicing with you that you can stay in your house. I had been praying for you. Moving when you do not want too is no fun at all.
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