Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Let's make some Ice Cream!

Ice Cream. While it is still summer. That is scary. As if summer is almost over, and I don't want it to be!

Get your gear out, and let's get cranking! I always feel so much better about eating ice cream that I have literally worked for, and once I have cranked that handle for 20 minutes, I have lost enough calories to deserve some, believe you me. (This is a genuine old fashioned ice cream maker that I convinced my husband to buy me for a gift after seeing it in an antique store... ;) )

How does that look?

I thought so...

I threw some strawberries in the blender with some soft ice cream and made a quick flavored variety. Hmmm, I think I could use some just now. After all, its still summer...

Ice cream

1 1/2 qt. whole milk
1/2 qt. whipping cream
2 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
2 T gelatin
1 T vanilla
1/2 tsp. salt

Soak the gelatin in a little cold milk.

Scald the milk with the sugar and egg yolks, stirring to prevent burning.

Pour hot mixture over gelatin mixture; add salt, stir and cool.

Whip the cream and once the milk mixture has cooled completely, add it to the whipped cream with an egg beater. Add vanilla, and freeze. If you don’t have an ice cream maker, try to stir as often as possible once it has started to freeze. 

1 comment:

Danelle said...

It looks better with every glance!

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