Two nights ago in the middle of night Jessica came to me and said, "Do you think the kittens need anything? I hear them meowing and meowing." I mumbled something like, "No, I'm sure they're fine. Just go back to sleep. Check on them in the morning." Soon I am awakened again, this time by a meowing kitten. I get up, switch on the porch light, and look for all three of them, but they are fine. Then I hear that sound coming from outside. Must be stray cat, I dismissed... Until next morning when we heard that meowing again and we went and checked; sure enough, crouched by the wood pile is a furry little kitten.

The next morning I thought I had heard another sound from outside, but I thought, surely not! But yes, among the woodpile, another little kitten! Same size, different kind though. Now who can just dismiss the pitiful cry of a lonely hungry kitten that has somehow lost his home... So, we take it in too, feed it and love it. Well the children do, that is. I don't like cats. Never have, never will. But I can put up with them for my children's sakes. It makes them happy, and we need them to catch the mice around here, so yeah, I can put up with them.
Awwww ... We (at least me) would love to come down there and take all of 'em from you!
The upper comment was me, sorry!
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