With summer here and the garden doing good (and the weeds), we have begun to enjoy some fruits of our labor. First to be ready is the spinach and green onions, radishes, leaf lettuce and turnip greens. That was our salad almost every day for a while. How good! And after reading about all the good nutrients found in turnip greens, I enjoyed them even more. I have no doubt this salad is a good liver or blood cleanser after going all winter with no fresh greens.

Well, I shouldn't say no greens, because I did buy some from the store, but it doesn't compare. I am a big believer in eating what's in season where you live. So that would mean no green salads in winter, right? I will study that a bit more, before I have to eat my words too...

That fresh leaf lettuce makes any boring sandwich into a feast. I could eat one of these every day for lunch when it is too hot to cook; with a glass of sweet tea to go with it, of course...
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